Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mason's 6th Birthday Party

Mason turned 6 on May 10th and he invited his whole class to come celebrate!  He requested a Star Wars party.  He had a Darth Vader pinata, homemade light sabers, and an R2D2 cake.  It was such a fun party!
(Many thanks go to my friend, Carla, for these amazing pictures).

Lots of goodie bags!

Darth Vader Pinata

My friend made this amazing R2D2 cake.

Archie jumping with his light saber.  He insisted on staying shirtless the whole day.

The birthday boy sipping his cool drink.

Mason's friend, Luke with our bunny Fred.

Archie's friend, Jacklynn with our dear bunny.

Six Years Old!

Archie with his goodie bag

Our pinata was falling apart prematurely, so we had to duct tape it back together.

Diving right in for the goodies!

He had a little help from a friend. :)