Friday, March 5, 2010

Archie's 8-Months-Old!

Archie is 8-months-old! Time is flying by. This has been a big month for him, in terms of learning to do new things. Some of the things he is doing now:

Crawling on his hands and knees
Walking along furniture
Standing unassisted for a few seconds (and then falling)
Dances and "sings" when he hears music
Says "dada" when he sees Max or when we say dada
Throws tantrums (we're not too proud of that one)
Eats cheerios and other cereal
Claps his hands
Has 7 teeth-4 on the top, 3 on the bottom
Tears apart Mason's train tracks, causing major problems!

There's probably more, but those are the main ones.

For both kids, I always put them on the couch for each month picture, but Archie refused to stay, so this is the best I could get. He is such a crazy kid! We love him!

We go on bike rides every day. This is usually the scene when we pull up to our house after a long day of riding.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

ahhh he is getting so BIG! its sad that they grow too fast! next time your in town call me so our kids can play!