Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Utah Trip Part 1

In the beginning of June I went with my sisters, Amanda and Kimmy, to visit our sister Cindy in Utah. We stayed for a week and a half and had so much fun! We went to all the D.I.s (a thrift store) in the area and stocked up on so many good finds! We went to Gardner's Village, which had pony rides and fun little shops. I was sad to see the trip come to an end, but we missed Max too much! Alice (Cindy's daughter who is the same age as Mason) would say to Mason, "I don't want you to leave, Mason." And Mason would say, "I have to go, Alice. I miss my dada too much." They were so cute together and I wish we lived closer!

Mason's first pony ride...he loved it!

Cousins! Alice, Henry, Mason, and Archie

Archie's makeshift high chair. The perfect height for him to rest his weary head.

Henry and Mason playing with Pat's hats from Russia

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