Monday, June 13, 2011

Disneyland Fun!

A couple of weeks ago, most of my siblings and their families met at my parents' house to say goodbye to our brother, Jake. He is going on a mission to Germany for 2 years. :( Anyways, while everyone was together, we decided to go to Disneyland! The kids and I hadn't been in a while, so we were really excited to go and it was so much fun for all of the little cousins to go together! The boys loved it and we can't wait to go back!

Grandma let Mason drive! He loved it!

Mason with Grandpa on Dumbo

The boys' favorite: Buzz Lightyear!

Mason and Archie with their cousin, Alice. They had so much fun together!

I just had to post this picture of my mom and Mason on Buzz Lightyear. They are both concentrating really hard on shooting the bad guys!


Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

That looks like a fun day! You look really cute in the pic with the boys!

Unknown said...

i love san diego! it looks like you all had so much fun! cute blog... i'll definitely be stopping by again!
