Sunday, March 6, 2011

Museum Fun!

Last week I took the kids to the "dinosaur museum" otherwise known as the Natural History Museum. It's free for San Diego residents on the first Tuesday of the month, so I decided to take advantage of it since it is usually expensive. I had taken the kids there before, and they had a special dinosaur exhibit with real fossils and dinosaur bones. This time, they had a special snakes and lizards exhibit with all kinds of exotic reptiles. At first Archie was scared of all of the displays, like the dinosaurs and polar bears, but he warmed up to them. There was a whole room full of taxidermy animals and Mason would point to the animals and say, "Why is the mountain lion dead? Why is the bird dead? Awww." I hope he didn't freak out the other kids. In the lizards and snakes room they were showing a movie and we sat through it twice. Both of the kids were enthralled with it! Mason and Archie both had a blast there and we will definitely be going back!

Mason inside a cave petting a snake! (It's fake).

The kids loved this exhibit. You spin that little black wheel and a dinosaur hatches from one of the eggs.

Mason was very impressed by the size of this snake...

...and this lizard!

If you look closely, you can see the boys through the display case. They were making the dinosaur and monkey run and climb.


Brittany said...

so fun!! that snake is so huge it can gobble up Mason!!...but thankfully it's in a cage :)

Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

They are so cute! What a fun place for little boys!