Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Typical Archie

...that's what I call this picture. This is what he wanted to wear the other day. He is such a funny kid. Once he makes up his mind about something, he has to do it, and he will not be distracted. It drives me crazy most of the time, but this outfit was just too funny! I love him and I guess I'll keep him. :)

Ignore the mess in the background. It only looks like this about every other day. :)


Jenn said...

lol what a great picture!

gunnells said...

ahaha So stinkin cute!! Love it when kids do that!

Russell said...

What are we looking at here? Is it a car that hangs around his shoulders? When we were little -- in the 1950's -- we all had horses that we "rode" that way. Really a funny thing, Emily. Thanks for sharing.

Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

What a cutie! I love that he wanted to wear a helmet with his car outfit. He is crazy...in a funny way!

kyleesue said...

Was it just a day around the house or did he get to go out in public like that? That's too funny. Violet keeps saying that she wants Archie to come back:(

Emily said...

Russell, that's exactly right. It's from Disney's Cars, which the boys are obsessed with.
Kylee, that was just a day indoors, thank goodness! But, Mason has worn it when we've walked down to the store. He got A LOT of attention!

theappletea said...

cool :)