Monday, February 25, 2013


 The boys had been saying they haven't seen snow this year, so when Mason had the day off from school on Monday, we set off to find some.  We drove toward Tahoe and found a little hill where a lot of little kids were sledding and playing.  The boys had so much fun sledding, building a snowman, and having snowball fights!

Being pulled by dad is way more fun than sledding down the hill!  (Yes, that is a boogie board.  We're from San Diego, what do you expect?)

Our attempt at a snowman.

And, Archie eating it.

Me and my boy!

Making snow angels

Mason wanted to pull Archie


Archie loved sledding!  The faster the better!

Mason liked it once we could talk him into trying it. :)

Happy boys!

As luck would have it, the very next day it snowed at our own house!  It snowed all morning, so by noon we were worried we wouldn't be able to get out of our driveway (it's really steep), so we went and picked Mason up from school early.  Boy, was he excited to come home to find his backyard covered in snow!

Being silly

Our next attempt at a snowman turned out much better. :)


Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

Awww....they look so excited. They are adorable boys!

Jenn said...

So FUN and you were so lucky to get snow at your house! My boys would have loved it too.